Keeping everyone safe 

 As one of the charity’s core values, keeping people safe is central to everything we do at Friends of the Elderly. 

 This means that ‘safeguarding’ is as much a priority for our board of trustees as our care teams. 

 ‘Safeguarding’ means protecting people’s health, wellbeing, and human rights, and enabling them to live free from harm, abuse and neglect.

And it is everyone’s duty. 

Our approach to safeguarding is set out in our safeguarding policy

Raise It

As an organisation, we encourage anyone who has a concern that a person might be being abused or neglected to raise that concern.

This could include: 

  • Physical abuse 
  • Sexual abuse 
  • Psychological or emotional abuse, including verbal abuse 
  • Organisational or institutional abuse 
  • Financial or material abuse 
  • Domestic violence or abuse 
  • Discriminatory abuse 
  • Neglect 
  • Self-neglect 
  • Modern slavery 

 There are various ways you can raise a concern: 

Safeguarding monitoring group 

 As part of its commitment to keeping everyone safe, the Board of Trustees has set up a safeguarding monitoring group called
the Safeguarding Adults Sub-Committee.

The group looks at all relevant practices and procedures to assist us to continuously improve.
Membership includes independent as well as relative, service user and senior management representatives, and an independent chair. 

If you would like to get involved in the safeguarding monitoring group, or just find out more about it, please contact Janet Maguire, either by emailing or calling 020 7730 8263.