Residents at New Copford Place, our Colchester-based residential care home, have been marking this month’s World Book Day, talking about their favourite novels, authors, story genres and plot lines.
“Our residents love to read and can often be found in our cosy Library ensconced in a book with a cup of tea or coffee,” said Chelsey Leather, New Copford Place’s Activities Coordinator. “To recognise this year’s World Book Day, I hosted a reminiscing chat talking about the residents’ favourite novels, authors, story and plot lines and the books they have read, enjoyed – or not – during their lives. The residents never cease to amaze me – they are so knowledgeable and the conversation was so interesting and, as I usually do, I learnt some interesting things as well.”
To get the ball rolling – or rather the pages turning – Chelsey first asked the residents what the first book was that somebody read to them when they were children. “Grimms Fairytales,” said 89-year-old, Pat Linscott, who has been a resident at New Copford Place since January 2023. “Some of their stories were quite scary to hear as a child. Hansel and Gretel and Rumpelstiltskin really got my imagination running wild. It wasn’t until I was older that I found out that, in fact, the Grimms never intended for their tales to be read by children at all.”
“When Pat told me that Sleeping Beauty and Snow White were also originally written by The Grimm Brothers, I had no idea. I just associated those stories with the lovely Disney films,” added Chelsey.
Ann Smith, who has been a resident at New Copford Place since September 2023, has fond memories of her childhood books. “I adored Alice in Wonderland,” said Ann. “With Enid Blyton’s Famous Five coming a close second. Last summer, Chelsey arranged a themed Mad Hatter’s Tea Party, it was wonderful, and Daniel Sabau, the Registered Manager at the care home, even dressed up as the Mad Hatter himself, it was such a fun afternoon.”
89-year-old Sylvia Edwards who has lived at New Copford Place since August 2023 added: “The first book I ever read was called The Farm and I still have it. The pages are well thumbed as over the years it’s a story that I have shared with my family. It’s one of my treasured possession now.”
92-year-old resident, Beryl Brown, loves stories about the country and everyday life. “I like to be able to relate to the characters in a book,” said Beryl. “Reading stories which focus on normal people, their life experiences and also tales of living in the countryside and the different shenanigans going on in villages are my favourites.”
“Crime stories are more my thing nowadays,” added Ann. “James Patterson, Agatha Christie, Dan Brown and Lee Childs are real page turners. I like to think of myself as a bit of a Jessica Fletcher and try to guess ‘who did it’ before I finish the book.”
“I much prefer happy, light-hearted books to crime novels,” continued Sylvia. “Murders are just far too gruesome for me. I loved The Wizard of Oz but was so disappointed when I saw the Judy Garland film which came out in 1939, it had things missing which were in L. Frank Baum’s book. I think the book was, and still is, much better.”
“Sylvia told me that originally Shirley Temple was the first choice to play Dorothy in the MGM film. I can’t imagine anyone by Judy singing Over the Rainbow,” added Chelsey.
The residents also enjoy their weekly Book Club, affectionately known as ‘Buffy’s Book Club’. “Buffy Anne Medcalfe is one of New Copford Place’s Shift Leaders and at 2 p.m. every Friday afternoon, she hosts the Book Club. The residents make a group decision on which book they’d like to hear and then Buffy will read it to them. The current Book Club book is ‘The Perfect Retreat’ By Kate Forster, which everyone seems to be enjoying,” continued Chelsey.
“As well as Buffy’s Book Club, I read about two books a month and I always keep my favourite books in my room,” added Sylvia. “One of my all-time favourites is called ‘The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse’, it’s a lovely book for all ages. It’s the story of four new friends who explore the world around them and as they do, they reflect on everything they see and do, and what life actually means. I’ve read it so many times, I’ve lost count.”
“I’m like Sylvia, I keep my favourite books in my room so I can pick them up and read them again and again whenever I fancy,” continued Pat. “I love sitting in the Library in my favourite comfy chair and reading a good book – with a cup of tea of course. I’m not sure what my next book choice will be, but the care home’s Library has so many to choose from, I’m bound to find something I like – we are all spoilt for choice.”
Find out more about New Copford Place care home by calling 01206 210 397 or emailing