Community Knit and Natter Group launched at Redcot Care Home

Knit and natter groupd with residents. As part of its continued commitment to keep all those it supports and cares for involved with, and part of, their local community Redcot, our Haslemere residential care home is launching a monthly Community Knit and Natter Group.

“Many of our residents really enjoy knitting,” said Jenny Ryder, one of Redcot’s Activities Coordinators. “Knitting is an age-old craft which can be enjoyed by all ages, but it is especially beneficial for older people. It focuses the mind, slows the breathing and encourages creativity by doing something that you have total control over.

“Knitting also serves as a great form of exercise,” continued Jenny. “It keeps the brain sharp and active as it requires a person to use different parts of their brain at the same time. Believe it or not, knitting is as relaxing as yoga, as it can distract from chronic pain, such as arthritis, boost wellbeing and lower blood pressure.”

Jenny has created and delivers a wide and varied range of activities which are all tailored to each residents’ individual likes and preferences. “The activities range from sing-along afternoons, film nights, games, Bingo!, quizzes, themed days and events; to arts and crafts sessions, gentle exercise classes, excursions and the ever popular performances by visiting entertainers and visits from a variety of community groups,” continued Jenny. “The new monthly Community Knit and Natter Group will be another great social and interactive activity for the residents to enjoy.”

A resident knitting. “The residents never cease to amaze me,” added Jenny. “When we were chatting about the Community Knit and Natter Group, they told me how some of their favourite celebrities love to knit. I never knew that Hollywood A Listers such as Julia Roberts, Ryan Gosling, Russell Crowe and even Audrey Hepburn were avid knitters. One resident who loves sport even told me that Tom Daley knitted to keep his anxiety away at the Tokyo Olympics.”

“Knowing the residents’ love of knitting, Jenny thought it would be a lovely idea to host a monthly Community Knit and Natter Group,” added Staci Abernethy, Redcot’s Interim Manager.

“We’re launching the new group on Thursday 6th March, and it will  run from 2pm. to 3:30pm. on the first Thursday of every month. The residents adore our daily afternoon teas, so our Chef will also serve a range of free refreshments including delicious homemade cakes, teas and coffees to all the Knitters.”

“We’ll have extra knitting needles and wool available for anyone who needs them,” continued Jenny. “We’re hoping that the Knit and Natter Group may like to knit some cute chicks or pretty Easter eggs for our Community Easter Egg Hunt which we are hosting on Friday 18th April. We thought they might be a lovely addition together with traditional Easter eggs for the children to hunt for.”

“Everyone is welcome to come along and join the Community Knit and Natter Group. Perhaps to learn a new skill or brush up on knitting techniques – or just come along to ‘Knit and Natter’. Either way, we’re looking forward to welcoming everyone to Redcot on 6th March,” concluded Staci.

Find out more about Redcot care home by calling 01428 644 637 or emailing