At Redcot, our Haslemere based residential care home, resident Betty Mancey has been ‘bowled’ over by her 92nd Birthday celebrations surrounded by balloons, cards, gifts and her family and care home friends.
Betty, who has been a resident at Redcot since August 2024, grew up in Twickenham and attended Kneller Hall School which became the home of the Royal Military School of Music. “Music was my favourite class at school,” said Betty. “I just loved – and still do – how a piece of music can transport you away to different places and times. It’s like an old friend who is always there for you.”
Although Betty grew up in the place that is the first permanent home of the Rugby Football Union, her sporting passions lie elsewhere. “Surprisingly, I’m an Aston Villa Football fan, but that’s not my favourite sport. Give me a good old cricket match any day. I thoroughly enjoy watching cricket matches, they are my guilty pleasure,” continued Betty.
After leaving school, Betty worked in the Corset Department of Bentalls, the famous store in Kingston Upon Thames whose design was inspired by Sir Christopher Wren’s Hampton Court Palace.
On 15th September 1955 she married her Husband, Peter. The happy couple became parents to Simon and Betty is now a proud Grandmother to Henry and Eloise.
The Care Team at Redcot love to hear Betty’s stories and always encourage her to reminisce and tell them about her fantastic 92 years and life experiences. Betty, who has a cheeky sense of humour, never lets them down. “During my 92 years, I’ve seen and experienced so many things,” continued Betty. “Growing up in the 1940s and 50s and actually living through the swinging 60s was amazing and, just before my birthday in 1953, sweets and chocolate stopped being rationed which is one thing I’ll never forget.
“I think most people who meet me would be surprised to know that I’m now 92. Being born in 1933, means I’m part of what is known as the Silent Generation, not that I’ve ever been silent,” added Betty with a cheeky smile. “The world was a totally different place then to what it is today, and there have been so many inventions, creations and events since I was born. Men have walked on the Moon, the television came along and even vacuum cleaners, the list is endless. However, one funny fact about 1933 is that, evidently, it was year that the Loch Ness Monster showed herself for the first time.”
“We all wanted to make sure that Betty had a truly memorable 92nd Birthday, surrounded by her family and care home friends”, said Staci Abernethy, the newly appointed Interim Manager at Redcot. “It’s a real pleasure having Betty living with us at Redcot, she really is an absolute joy to be around and a much loved member of the Redcot family. Reaching the great age of 92 is definitely something to celebrate and it was a real honour for us to be with her to share in her very special day,”
“I have had a really lovely 92nd birthday, it’s been wonderful. I read the other day that I share my actual birthday with the actress Kim Novak who was in some classic films I loved including Agatha Christie’s The Mirror Crack’d and Hitchcock’s Vertigo, so I’m in good company,” concluded Betty.
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