YAWN Life and Little Bramingham Farm celebrate first anniversary

The YAWN Life Team.At Little Bramingham Farm, our Luton-based residential care home, the care team has been celebrating the first anniversary of its community relationship with YAWN Life, a Community Interest Company (CIC) and the day service related to the YAWN charity, which was created specifically for sociable young at heart adults who have learning disabilities.

Since 2023, members of the YAWN Life group have been visiting Little Bramingham Farm every Tuesday for three hours to help with the upkeep of the care home’s beautiful gardens. “When the YAWN Life Team began visiting, they really had their work cut out,” said Emma Lawrance, the Registered Manager at Little Bramingham Farm. “Our raised flower beds were in desperate need of a good weeding and our Chef was keen to get a vegetable patch going. Luckily the YAWN team sorted everything out for us.”

“The YAWN Team and I went to a local garden centre and purchased various bulbs and shrubs which they planted for us in the spring,” added Karen Charity, Little Bramingham Farm’s Activity Coordinator.

The volunteer group gardening. This spring, members of the YAWN Team spoke to Jim White, the care home’s Chef, to discuss and decide what vegetables he would like planted to use in the kitchen. “After some thought, everyone thought it would be a good idea to grow lots of different vegetables to see what grows well and what doesn’t in the soil,” continued Karen. “In the end, Potatoes, Onions, Tomatoes, Courgettes, Beetroots, French Beans, Broad Beans, Runner Beans, Sweetcorn and Cucumbers were planted. The array of fresh vegetables would make any Greengrocer proud.”

One of the YAWN charity Co-founders, Jeanette Tennyson continued: “We have five clients, who regularly visit Little Bramingham Farm. Gardening, planting and upkeep of the lovely flower beds and vegetable patch is one of their favourite activities. During the – hopefully – warm summer months, they are extremely keen to make sure that all of the vegetables are kept well-watered and healthy and that the flower beds are weed free. They are all looking forward to seeing the vegetables grown for the Chef to use in the kitchen in his delicious meals.”

A Little Bramingham Farm care home resident shares gardening tips with the YAWN Team. Residents at Little Bramingham Farm look forward to the weekly YAWN Team visits, and are often out in the garden, chatting to the team. “It’s a great reminiscing exercise for our residents,” added Karen. “They share their gardening tips and offer advice, chat about their favourite plants and flowers and often share stories of their own gardens and gardening experiences.”

Many residents pop out to chat to the YAWN Team over a hot drink and tasty cake from Susie’s Tea Room, but two residents, Audrey Drady and Margaret Alison, make sure they meet the YAWN Team on a regular basis.

The Team enjoying a break at Susie's Tea Room.Audrey, who has been a resident at the care home since November 2021 and Margaret who has lived at Little Bramingham Farm since July 2021 are both keen gardeners and love nothing more than talking about their green fingered talents. “The YAWN Team has made an amazing transformation to the beautiful gardens,” said Audrey. “The residents loved seeing the Daffodils in bloom during the spring and are excited to taste the seasonal vegetables once they are ready,” added Margaret.

A YAWN Life member gardening. To celebrate the first anniversary, the YAWN Team joined Little Bramingham Farm residents and care team members at the care home’s very own Susie’s Tea Room, for a hot drinks and delicious cakes. “We wanted to show our appreciation to all of the hard working YAWN Team members who have done so much for us. We gave everyone a gift bag as a little thank you for everything they do for our lovely gardens each week and are looking forward to seeing what grows and blooms over the coming months,” concluded Karen.

In closing, Jeanette from YAWN Life added: “It was lovely to see what the Team has achieved over the year. Darren Evans is an amazing member of staff, and we feel that a lot of the success of this project is down to him. His enthusiasm keeps the YAWN Team engaged and he is so knowledgeable as to what to grow and what would work. The Team’s achievement goes to show what good links with the community can achieve – here’s to many more years of YAWN’s input into the Little Bramingham Farm gardens and lots of homegrown vegetables for the residents to enjoy.”

Find out more about Little Bramingham Farm care home by calling 01582 582 433 or emailing enquiries@fote.org.uk