Zoe raises £730 and triumphantly completes the TCS London Marathon

On Sunday 23rd April, Zoe Butler, took on the iconic TCS London Marathon to raise funds for New Copford Place, our Colchester-based residential care home.

Running the 26.2 miles with a foot injury was no easy task, but Zoe didn’t let that stop her and totally smashed the course, running over the Finish Line in eight hours and 26 minutes, raising £730 for our charity.

Talking about her great achievement, Zoe said: Unfortunately I got a foot injury during training, but on the actual day my bad foot was fine. However the other foot got a blister at mile six-seven and running was too painful, so I ended up having to walk the rest. This wasn’t what I’d trained for, but I was determined to complete the Marathon course. However, saying that, it was the most amazing experience of my life – the cheer from the crowds, the volunteers and the other runners supporting you was just absolutely amazing. I have never experienced anything on that scale before, and at times it got me quite emotional.”

The 2023 TCS London Marathon is Zoe’s fourth marathon, but she added: It was so strange; the first 20 miles seem to go so quickly and at times I didn’t realise I was so far along. However, the last six miles felt they were going on forever and just wouldn’t end. The crowds were absolutely incredible. I knew there were going to be big crowds in London, but I never expected it to be like it was. It was amazing. I think the most amazing part that will stick with me forever, is turning the corner to Big Ben and the crowds going crazy as I went past.

“Even though it did not go the way I wanted it to go with the blisters so early on, I’m still so proud of myself. I didn’t give up and made it to the end and was even still smiling. Even though this was my fourth marathon, I found it mentally harder than others as I had planned to run so much more than what I ended up doing. I also think that it does get harder each time as your body and mind remember how hard it is – but if someone was to ask me would I do The TCS London Marathon again, I absolutely would. The cheer I got running down The Mall was incredible. I have never experienced anything like that and even crossed the line running, even though it hurt so much.” 

In closing, Zoe said: “My celebratory lap so to speak was the slowest walk I have ever taken back to my friend’s house to get my lift home. I have been so overwhelmed with the amount raised. I thought I’d be so happy to raise £250 but to date it is £730. I am totally shocked at the generosity of everyone. 

“I have visited my cousin at New Copford Place since finishing the London Marathon and when she saw me she wanted me to show her the medal. She couldn’t believe how heavy it was. Then some of the carers came into her room and wanted me to show the medal to them. She is very proud and, to be honest, I’m proud of myself, raising £730 for New Copford Place is brilliant.”

To find out more about New Copford Place care home, call 01206 210 397 or email enquiries@fote.org.uk.