News and Blog

Visiting Friends enjoy Easter treats!

Posted on 28 March 2018

Our Visiting Friends befriending team held a special Easter themed event at a sheltered housing scheme in Woking this week. Local company ADP very kindly donated some Easter eggs which were given out on the day as prizes for a Spring quiz and as part of a special draw. Kerry Reed-Brook, Befriending Volunteer Coordinator, said:…

Care Home Open Day 2018

Posted on 23 March 2018

Staff, volunteers and residents across our homes at Friends of the Elderly will be welcoming the local community into our care homes for Care Home Open Day 2018. This special event is part of Friends of the Elderly’s ongoing commitment to fostering meaningful activities, encouraging friendships across the generations and placing its care homes at…

Wisdom and Wonder at Moor House

Posted on 21 March 2018

Our Moor House care home in Staines has launched a monthly parent and child group called Wisdom and Wonder. The group welcomes parents and their children in to the home to spend time with residents, play and socialise. Each month, the group comes in to the home for a couple of hours and the children…

Marathon Megan’s fundraising events in Malvern

Posted on 21 March 2018

Megan Bradley, aged 22, from Malvern has been selected to represent Friends of the Elderly at the 2018 London Marathon. Megan will be hosting several events at home in Malvern in the run up to the Marathon to support her fundraising efforts. Thursday 29 March | ‘Marathon Meg + Friends’ | An evening of music…

Tovertafel Table at Day Care Woking

Posted on 12 March 2018

Day Care Woking has installed the Tovertafel (‘Magic Table’ in Dutch) in its service, making it the first installation in Woking. The Tovertafel is an award-winning innovation from the Netherlands, which is renowned for its cutting-edge approach to dementia care. The technology contains a series of games for people living with mid to late stage…