Chief Executive’s Blog

Heartwarming moments and positive developments

Posted on 28 May 2024

Hello and welcome to my spring blog! With the arrival of spring, we find ourselves basking in the promise of lighter evenings and warmer weather. It’s a time of renewal and hope, and here at Friends of the Elderly, we have much to share about the heartwarming moments and positive developments that have unfolded over…

Happy New Year and welcome to my first blog of 2024

Posted on 26 January 2024

This month I’d like to look back over 2023 and share some highlights of the past year. At Friends of the Elderly, ensuring the wellbeing of our residents and clients is at the heart of all we do, and 2023 was no exception. Alongside our usual activities, the first half of the year saw a…

Exciting Christmas activities throughout our care homes and day care services.

Posted on 25 January 2024

Hello and welcome to my December Friends of the Elderly blog. December is always a busy and fun-filled time at Friends of the Elderly, and I would like to share with you all the exciting Christmas activities that have been taking place throughout our care homes and day care services. Our staff love to make…

A celebration of summer at Friends of the Elderly

Posted on 13 September 2023

Hello and welcome to my latest blog post. I hope you are having a wonderful summer and enjoying the sunshine (when we have had it!). At Friends of the Elderly, we have been busy with lots of fun and exciting events and activities for our residents, clients and the local community. Here are some of…

Over £8650 raised by TCS London Marathon runners

Posted on 4 May 2023

Hello and welcome to my April blog. It’s a brief one this month, in which I would like to thank two amazing people, Zoe Butler and Sophie Liard, ‘The Folding Lady’, who took part in this year’s London Marathon on behalf of Friends of the Elderly. Zoe raised £650 for our New Copford Place care…