Nick Avery

Nick joined the Friends of the Elderly Board of Trustees in May 2024.

Nick first became interested in services for older people and dementia through family circumstances. He has held several trustee roles, including Chair of Parkhaven Trust, a care home operator near Liverpool and is presently Chair of Age Well East.

As a qualified accountant his career covered retail, leisure and financial services, before moving into the charity sector at Leonard Cheshire. He retired as Director of Resources from Lepra, an international NGO, in May 2024 and now combines a range of voluntary roles with charity governance and finance consulting.
His roles have been varied including regulatory compliance, human resources management, IT and strategic development as well as his core roles in audit, risk and finance.

Nick sits on Friends of the Elderly’s Audit and Risk Committee. He is also a director of FotE Group subsidiary Potential Limited.