Financial Statements

Reporting on our finances and performance

As a transparent organisation regulated by the Charity Commission, we produce annual financial statements and publish them here for our supporters and stakeholders to view. The statements include a detailed analysis of our financial performance, as well as our trustees’ annual report, which gives an overview of our aims and achievements.

The generosity of supporters

We are extremely grateful for the continued generosity of our donors and fundraisers, which enables our ongoing and comprehensive programme for achieving sustainable growth. We want our supporters to have confidence in how their money is used to improve the lives of older people. Full disclosure of our activities and performance is outlined in the documents listed below.

Financial statements
Report and Financial statements 23-24
Report and Financial statements 22-23

Report and Financial statements 21-22
Report and Financial statements 20-21
Report and Financial statements 19-20
Report and Financial statements 18-19
Report and Financial statements 17-18
Report and Financial statements 16-17
Report and Financial statements 14-15
Report and Financial statements 13-14
Report and Financial Statements 11-13
Annual Report and Accounts 10-11
Annual Report and Accounts 09-10
Annual Report and Accounts 08-09
Annual Report and Accounts 07-08
Annual Report and Accounts 06-07
Annual Report and Accounts 05-06
Annual Report and Accounts 04-05

Gender pay gap reporting

Gender pay gap report, March 2021 (pdf)
Gender pay gap report, April 2018 (pdf)