Welcome to the Friends of the Elderly care home in Woking

“Welcome! I’m Andy Cumper, and I’m honoured to manage the Bernard Sunley care home in Woking for Friends of the Elderly. You can find out more about the care home here, but we’ve put this page together to give you all the essential information you need in one place. Please, if you have any questions, whether you currently have a loved one staying with us, or you’re considering it, feel free to contact me and my team here. We really want to help.”
Bernard SunleyCollege Road
Maybury, Woking
Surrey GU22 8BT
Telephone: 01483 764300
Fax: 01483 761 900

Covid Guidelines
If you’re coming to visit us at Bernard Sunley here are the latest Covid visiting guidelines.

Contact Details
Phone numbers, staff numbers Covid visiting guidelines.

Our Grants Service in Woking
Our grants giving service has supported older people near Woking, find out more…

Our Newsletter
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Weather in Woking
Coming for a visit? Check the forecast…